The Shine Family

The Shine Family

Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas in McCall/Happy New year.

The plan was to go to California. We had great expectations. We were going to drive down to see my family in Bakersfield, then visit Jon’s family in San Diego. We were going to be there for 3 whole glorious weeks. That was a little ambitious. I must have forgotten what it was like to have a newborn. I also must have figured that this new baby was going to be completely different than her sister and LOVE the car seat. Silly, silly me. Coco is the happiest baby in the whole world, unless she is in her car seat. She becomes a screaming mi-mi and squalls like a banshee. Then, the second she is removed from the said torture chair, she is her smiling, giggling self again. Not exactly the right ingredient for a 23 hour car trip. So, we had to nix that plan.

Instead, we decided to meet my sister and her family half way (just a 6 hour car drive. I could endure crying for 6 hours, I guess) at a vacation rental in McCall, Idaho. (They have a 9 month old who isn’t exactly happy in the car either) We have driven through McCall countless times when en route to Boise or Twin Falls, and every time we say "Wow. This looks like a cool little mountain town. We should come here and explore sometime." But we never seemed to have a good excuse. So when my sister and Heath suggested we meet there for Christmas Jon and I were excited. And, oh, I am in love. I never thought I would find another place would rival Sandpoint in my heart, but McCall may just do that. It reminds me so much of Lake Tahoe, with all the Ponderosas and the beautiful lake, but without all the casinos and traffic. There is groomed (!!) Nordic trails everywhere, a gorgeous alpine lake, 3 ski hills, and an ice rink in downtown. The town is adorable too, full of shops and restaurants and very friendly locals.

We spent most of the week outside. Lots of skiing, sledding, walks to town, and spa-ing. (That was the one thing Reese and I insisted that the home we rent have--a spa! When we were inside, there was Rock Band, card games, Yatzee!

Our Two peas.

If any of you don't have a Chariot they are one of the greatest things for parents with kids. We received the ski attachment form Grandma and Grandpa Livingston for birth/Christmas for us. We put it to good full use. *Jon Typing here* As the Bartender at Salmon River brewing said "It's not just a stroller, it's Freedom!" Yes, he was a bartender not a salesman.

We missed all of our California family and were sad that we couldn't visit this year (there is always next!) but this was a great backup plan.

New Years Eve Note

After we returned home from McCall, we realized that we didn't have a family picture on here. So on new years eve, we made a concerted effort to take a family picture, and yes, with two little girls this was the best we could do with the auto-timer.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

We are doing things a little different this year when it comes to Christmas cards. Since I have been on a "consume less/ spend less" kick, most of you will not be getting the traditional Christmas card. I think it was realizing that most of the cards will just be thrown away after the holidays, and I simply HATE TRASH!! (Unless you are all like me and keep all the cards for years and years, but don’t have any idea what to do with them after the names have since changed, the families have grown larger, or you simply just don’t know the people anymore.) Granted, cards are not smelly, nor do they attract the small rodential beasts that we have been massacring under our kitchen sink, but still.
Believe me, this hurts me more than it hurts you. My traditional self is yelling "what about 20 cards? What if I just limit it to 20 this year?" I love the thought of me sipping hot cocoa, listening to White Christmas as I address each letter to each of you. But then the rational Leah whacks the sentimental Leah upside the head and yells back "At the rate of cards and stamps these days, 20 is a good 20 Bucks! That's a week’s worth of diapers right there!" Argument settled albeit a little pouting from sentimental Leah.
Therefore, although I am still thinking of you and loving you and wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, it will have to be via internet rather than the USPS this year. It is faster, anyway.

Here are the pictures that I would have been including in your Christmas card.

Anway, please message me and let me know that you love me and forgive me for not sending a real Christmas card this year. (Sentimental Leah is also Neurotic Leah and gets very flustered about the possiblility of hurting someone's feelings.)

With that, have a Blessed Christmas and have a Christ-filled New Year!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2 months later


These last 7 weeks have been quite full. Not only have we had a steady stream of wonderful friends who have helped tremendously by dropping of meals and love, we have had visits from Lolo (Grandpa Shine) and Grandma Karen (both coming all the way from Alaska to see our beautiful girls)and the Cotas (coming from Twin Falls). It was such a great and refreshing change from the previous 9 months of isolation. It was just hard wanting to do anything at all when all I really wanted to do was puke. I was fearing though that my lack of enthusiasm for entertaining was going to force my social butterfly Jael into some kind of weird social handicap. Just one more reason why I am so happy to have my Coco in my arms and no longer in my belly.
Although, I have to say that I was extremely naïve in what I expected in having 2 children. I thought it was “just like adding another child”. HA! It has been an insane juggling act of crisis. I am beginning to think that these girls get together and plot when they are going to dive headlong into their antics, just to see how far they can get before mama’s head explodes
Here are a few examples from just the last two days: Coco woke up from a nap and was madder than a hornet. She was hysterical and had a dirty butt so I took her to the bathroom to change her and Jael followed happily behind. While I was attending to a poopsplosion, Jael decided she wanted to play in the bathtub. She flung herself over the side and I heard a crash and a scream. I turned around and there was blood everywhere. Somehow she has cracked her chin open and it was bleeding pretty good. Poop here. Blood there. Poop. Blood. Poop. Blood. Which do I attend to first? Do I get poop in the blood? Blood in the poop?
Then there was today. Coco was in my lap facing Jael and me on the couch when she projectile urped all over me, Jael and herself. (How does such a little body get such velocity behind her urp?) I had to pause a minute to figure out who I should change first and decided the smartest was to change the baby. We all headed to the girls room and I had just undressed Coco when Jael starts doing the peepee dance and saying "hurry hurry mama! I gotta go potty!" “You are going to have to wait or take yourself” I told her as she zoomed out the door. But somehow her footstool had been moved and the toilet seat was left up, and in her efforts to get herself on the potty, she fell in. And couldn’t get out. Another dilemma: Cold naked baby who is now crying because she is cold and naked vs toddler who is stuck in the potty and can’t get out.
Is this all normal?! Am I on some sort of TV show? Sometimes I wonder.
But all in all, I think we are all adjusting well to being a 4 pack. Jael can sleep right through Coco's screaming, whereas before she was the lightest of sleepers. And Coco just loves her big sister. She will be sleeping soundly through a nap and Jon and I will be in normal conversation with no stirring from her. But as soon as she hears Jael’s voice, her eyes pop wide open.
Coco has been trying to vocalize a lot more lately, lots of A-goo’s and gurgly sounds. She smiles big and brightly, just like the pictures of her daddy when he was a baby. I haven’t heard a laugh from her yet, but I think it will be coming soon.
Jael is my constant source of amusement. She has just entered the “princess” stage, and wants to wear a dress every day. She dances the second she hears music and has the greatest imagination. I cannot think of a better job in the world than being the mom of these beautiful girls. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to wash the baby puke out of my hair.

One day, I went to check on Jael as she was playing quietly in her room. But, when I look in, I couldnt find her anywhere. That is until I looked in the oven.

Little Miss Coco (as Jael calls her)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Newborn Pics via Jax Creations

My friend Jackie has done it again! We were lucky enough to have her do some newborn pics of our Miss CoCo and she has amazed us once more. Visit her blog at to see them!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Introducing Collette Elaine Shine

We are thrilled to introduce to the world the newest bit of sunshine in our lives, Collette Elaine Shine! She was born at 11:43am on Monday, September 27, 2010 (a early Bday present to her momma!) She weighed 7 lbs 11oz at 20 and 3/4 inches long. (At her one week dr apt, she was already up to 7 lbs 15 oz! The dr was amazed.) I would love to share how long I was in labor with this little one, but to be honest, I am not sure. I started having contractions Friday night at around 9pm, but they were in the front (and not the back like "normal" labor) and erratic, 10 min apart, then 2 then 5, etc. The thing was, they continued to be like that all weekend. I went online and researched what the experts had to say and all the signs pointed to "false" labor, so, although they were painful, I didnt worry too much about them. The thing was though, they were keeping me up all night and I wasnt able to get any sleep. So, Sunday night, monday morning at around 3:30am, I woke up Jon to tell him that, although I didnt think I was in real labor yet, I wanted to go to the hospital to see if they could give me something so I could at least sleep some before real labor started. I was seriously convinced that they would check me and tell me that I was only at a 1 or 2 and send me home (that is what happened with Ja`el).So, Mema and Papa came over and stayed with the J Bean and Jon and I went on to Bonner General. The entire drive into town I was telling Jon"this isnt real labor. I know they will just tell me I am at a 1 or so. I just need something to sleep!" (We had already decided that we were going to have another natural childbirth, so meds during "real" labor wasnt an option. I just figured if this wasnt real, I might as well have something!) Imagine my surprise when the nurse checked me and said"you are at a 6/7. You will be having this baby this morning." I started bawling and crying "Praise God!! Thank you God!!" The rest of the labor was really weird, totally different that my first. The "emotional signposts" that we were trying to go off of (according to Dr Bradley of Husband Coached Childbirth were completely off by one. Jon and I were laughing and joking all the way up to Transition, and I didnt get to the "I cant do this. This is too hard" confusion state until Second stage. It made the long run easier, I guess, but trying to push while you are completely confused and disoriented is hard!! So, I guess I was in labor for 3 days, but it wasnt anything like the 40 hours with Ja`el.
So now that the 9 months of feeling terrible and the 3 days of labor is over, I turned to Jon and say "I could do that again." I was afraid he might hit me. Instead he smiled and said "ok!" It is hard not to look at this face and know that it was all worth it.
Collette is here. She is beautiful and has captured our hearts. Ja`el has been a wonderful big sister, kissing and loving and helping all the way. We are truly blessed and cannot help but praise God with every breath for the honor of rearing two perfect little girls. Ja`el helping Daddy take Collette to the car.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Big, Huge Prego Belly

Our little family just had the opportunity to take some pics with one of the most talented photographers I know. She just posted some on her blog, so I thought I would share them all with you. BEWARE: There is a huge bare belly in some of these pics! Cannot wait to meet this little one that kicks me so much. 1 more month (hopefully less though!)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Date Day!

So I have to say.. I was sneaky. In a good way.

This past saturday I convined the Grandparents to take Jael for the day(didn't take much, she so cute who wouldn't want to take her for a day) and I was able to plan a date day for my lovely wife. We had a great morning and then we headed down to Kellogg and rode the tram up Silver mountain. For everyone that lives near us and haven't done this, go do it. It's the longest tram in North America I think(3+ Miles) it was an amazing day up there and we were able to go for a lovely hike up at the top and enjoy the view. I know I did.

I have to say how cute my wife is. I have to. Just sayin.

Friday, July 30, 2010

A Perfect Day

Just wanted to share some pics from our day. I found two new places in the area that have since become my favorite. #1 a U-Pick Blueberry farm in . We had a blast! Ja`el was quoting "Blueberries for Sal" the whole time and really was a tremendous help, despite the incredible number of blueberries that found their way into her mouth rather than the bucket. The old man that owns the farm had an awning set up, with an amp and microphone and was entertaining his guests with country, folk and bluegrass. I just loved him! They are open during all day light hours, and have a little shack where they sell homemade syrups, jams, dessert toppings and muffins.
We then loaded up and met some friends at a new spot (for me, at least) on the river. OH! I am in love! Not only do they have flushable toilets, but the beach is clean, the toys are great, and it is not crowded at all! I am dragging Jon out here this wknd and perhaps we can finally get some camping in this summer.
I didnt take very many pics, but I had to share this one. Ja`el played the whole time in this mud hole she made, instead of the big, beautiful river behind her. She never ceases to amaze me!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer so far

I would love to say that this summer has been filled with boating and swimming, hiking and camping. But, alas, it has been full of sore throats, snot, and sneezes. (lovely thought, isnt it?) Since the weather has turned warm, we have been battling sickness upon sickness. Ja`el is on her 3rd cold in the last 4 wks! In the midst of that, Jon got strep throat and I have been miserable with allergies. (Why did I move to a house that is surrounded by fescue?! Not very smart.) I cannot complain too much though. While people back in my hometown are dealing with 110+ degree weather, we have been consistantly in the 80s, with cool, sweet smelling breezes off the lake. We have gotten out and done a little hiking and playing in the lake, and we have been seeing lots of wildlife, right here in our yard--turkeys, deer, elk, moose, eagles, etc! So, although this summer hasnt been my ideal, we have had alot of fun. We got to play with cousins and family, and a few visits to the lake (so far).

Ja`el and me hiking up on top of Schweitzer.

Ja`el and cousins out on Lake Pend Orielle.

Show offs! (no we werent moving!)

Aside from all the sickness, though, we have been blessed. My Grammy from California has come to stay with us this summer and she will be here more the best part of 2 months. Oh how Ja`el has been enjoying her here! They have been playing the piano together, singing songs, and Grammy has introduced her to waterpainting. It is so cute seeing them in deep concentration, side by side, with the same determined look on their faces, only 3 generations apart. I am so glad Ja`el has had this time with her Grammy. She has certainly been a blessing for me too!
Grammy and Ja`el piano duet.
One thing I am excited about lately is all the locally grown produce, dairy and eggs I have found. I have this crazy strong desire to have a small little farm of my own, but, truth be told, I dont want to take care of it! I love the idea of having chickens and geese, a dairy cow and lovely garden, but I dont love the idea of all the work it would entail. So, instead, I have a modest garden (that I tend to resent when I have to water it) and friends and neighbors with hormone and antibiotic free livestock! I am especially excited about a new friend who sells me fresh-from-the-cow milk! You even have to shake it to mix up the cream! Delicious! So, although my romantic compulsions for farmlife go unfullfilled, at least my family and I can eat like they are!

No interesting photo of a cow being milked or chickens laying eggs here. Sorry.

And the big news: Jon turned 30 and Jael turned 3!!! Ja`el is finally wearing 2t clothing. She knows her ABC's (can recognize about 75-80% of them) and can count to 18 (can recognize numbers 1-10). She loves to be doing anything that involves outside and has mastered the tricycle. Jonathan is actively cycling and running. He completed his first triatholon last Fall and is looking forward to doing more in the coming years. He has beenworking really hard at the bank and at home, finishing building the front deck (which looks amazing!) and various other wood working projects.

I am excited to see what the rest of the summer will bring us. I am hoping it will extend into September, since we really didnt start getting good weather until early July. But, it is hard not to welcome the reds, oranges and yellows of Autumn too. I guess I am just a four season kind of girl.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I am a bad blogger

Okay, so I am a lame blogger. I fired Jonathan about a year ago for the very same crime I have commited here. But, since there is no one to fire me, that is where it will stand. I do have some really good excuses for why I havent blogged in over 6 months. They are all pretty lame as well, except one. So here is what you have missed in the Shine family since Sept of 09.

My little Ladybug. (Oct)

Ja`el’s and My first trip to Green Bay and, therefore, Lambeau Field for a Packer Vs Cowboys game. The Packers won. (Nov)
Trip to Bako in Febuary. Ja`el's first Black and White from Dewars.
And the big news—Little Shiney #2 making its appearance! We wont have the official “outing” until somewhere around end of Sept/beginning of Oct. But this baby is already making an impact on the world!

I promise to TRY to be better at keeping up on this. You can always hound Jon, though. He seems to be able to make a blog entry without cussing, whereas I am still struggling with that one!