The Shine Family

The Shine Family

Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall in Sandpoint

One of the reasons we love Sandpoint so much is that we have a REAL Autumn season here. I Love Fall time. The cold morning frost seems to deepen the richness of that first cup of coffee. The sky is almost a sapphire blue and the leaves turn every path and avenue into a magical yellow brick road. And all I can think about is apple cider!! Sunday we were supposed to go to church, but instead I made Jon and Ja`el take me to Green Bluff, a community of farms and orchards just outside of Spokane. What a wonderful day!! We meandered through the pumpkin patch and a beautiful little grove of trees, bought a huge bag of Honeycrisps (by far my FAV apple now!) and had fun eating elephant ears. And then coming back over the long bridge into Sandpoint -sigh- there is truly no where else in this world that I would rather live right now!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ja`el vs Scooter

Frankly, I think Ja`el pulls it off much better. Perhaps it is the expression, though.