The Shine Family

The Shine Family

Saturday, May 23, 2009

No Safe Place (at least for a almost 2 yr old)

As Ja`el gets older, I find that I am learning that there are many more potential dangers in this world than I thought. Take this morning, for instance. While Jon was outside burning things (think Beavice and Butthead--"hehe. fire, fire.") I decided to take a shower and get ready for the day. I set Ja`el up with some toys, etc in the bathroom and we were good to go. After I got out, I let her go in and stomp around in the puddles while I continued to get myself put together. Mind you, I took special precaution to put all the dangerous items out of reach and thought we were covered until, a few moments later, I heard Ja`el say "stuck". She then followed it with a more panicked "FINGERS! STUCK!!" I ran to the shower and, sure enough, she had stuck one of her fingers into the drain holes and couldnt get it out. Thankfully it wasnt so bad as she sounded and after a little more water and a slight tug, we got the stuck finger unstuck. She cut it pretty good and howled even better, but alas, we now know not to stick our fingers into shower drain holes...or any drain hole for that matter.

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