The Triumphant Mom!
For many reasons, being an amazing mother, wife, friend. But this blog isn't about that. It's about how my wife could kick my butt... running that is. Yesterday was the day that Leah had been training for five months, The Coeur D'Alene half Marathon. Yep! My amazing wife ran the CDA half marathon yesterday and did amazing.
We went down to Post Falls and stayed with our good friends Houng, Chevy and Alyx Mathews (Houng is a friend of Leah's from High School). First thing bright and early we all headed over to the starting line. Leah had modified her race number as well, Leah dedicated her race to a very good friend who went home to Jesus last year, Lisa Kemp and thought of her and her family all day yesterday.
Houng went bandit yesterday and ran with Leah for a while and then met me at the finish line where we all waited for the grand arrival of my awesome wife. A funny side note, Chevy & Alyx and Jael & I were waiting for the girls and we went to Starbucks so I could wake up fully and the most peculiar/hysterical thing happened. We were all Standing outside and then Chevy and I looked around and noticed the absence of something very noticeable... MOMS! There were about 7-10 Dads on daddy duty with all the kids sitting outside on a nice day with all of us chasing down the Kids. We all looked at each other and then all started laughing, annnyyyway back to my awesome wife. Houng came back early but not before Chevy had to go to work. So that meant that I was pulling double daddy duty with both Jael(in the pack) and Alyx(in the Stroller) BTW.. it's hard to navigate with 2 kids a Camera out just in case Leah crossed and lots of people finishing a race. The longer I'm a dad the more I marvel at the capability of Mothers (Hats off to the most amazing group in existence)
Sure enough 2 hours and 30 minutes later my awesome wife crossed the line smiling and loving every minute of the fruit of all of her training. Words can't describe how proud I am of Leah and the dedication and perseverance she showed through this entire process. I'm Proud of you Baby. Enjoy the Pics!