The Shine Family

The Shine Family

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ja`el's New Love

Although she still loves playing in the snow, I believe Ja`el is just as ready for warm, sunny weather as the rest of us. We had a small taste of it when we went to visit Jon's family in Boise and my sister's family in Twin Falls last week. It was clear and above 40 degrees most of the time; but, most importantly, there was no snow. So, as any self respecting North Idaho-ian would do, we spent as much time as we could outdoors. This included daily trips to the park. And this is where Ja`el fell in love. She loves the "wees" (this word, I believe, means both "swing" and "slide"). She loves playing the the sand. She loves going on walks. She simply loves being outside. Therefore you can imagen her disappointment when we came back to rainy, wet Sandpoint. Not only do we not have her "Ja`el's" here, but the parks are still covered in snow and ice. This last week back has NOT been fun. Here she is, stuck with boring ol' mom, in a place where she can only be outside for about 20 min before she is soaked and shivering. She is even waking up in the middle of the night shouting "Wee!", "walking!", and "Ja`el!". I can safely say for the both of us, we are ready for Spring.
The tube slide is her favorite.

Love this girl.

This is what happens when we leave the park. :(


Karen said...

Come back! The park is still here!! It was 68 yesteday... we could play all day. Grandma misses you sooooo much. Wheee!

Cheri said...

Not to discourage...but, my girls still react like this when we leave the park....and they're 8 & 5! :-) Some kids were just created to be outside....there are worse TV & video games!