The Shine Family

The Shine Family

Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm terrible I know

So I haven't posted in forever.. I know I know.. Hannah already yelled at me for it so you don't have to. So things have been crazy for us since the last post. Jael got really sick, I don't think there's anything that breaks someones heart more than their child being sick. No fun at all. I went back to Alaska, To Boise to get surgery (which is now postponed untill May), To Denver for work for a week, then back to Alaska. And now I'm home. In that proccess I missed the debut of Jael crawling and pulling to standing. So We're all doing great up here.. It looked like winter was over, but alas, no such luck. I'm starring out of the window at the snow blowing in Sideways. So here's some updtaed pics. I don't think she can get any more cute. OH! she's eatting solid foods now too

Yes my cat took a nap with my daughter.

I know, I know.. we should post this on cute overload.


Hannah Hosh said...

It's about stinkin' time! And yes, shoulda been on cute overload!!

Erin Shine said...

You need to bring that sweet little girl to see her Aunt!

JLW said...

She is darling! You really should post more often!