The Shine Family

The Shine Family

Sunday, February 3, 2008

New Blog

So with everyone's family with a blog now I thought it was high time that we join so we can keep everyone updated on what's going on with the Shine fam. So Here's a quick update.. Jael is 6 months old now and you know what?? Teething is no fun.. she started with the Drooly drool about 3 months ago, right after her crazy case of Colic.. which by the way means that somethings wrong and we have no idea what it is. She's gotten a few teeth already and the rest of em drive her nuts. Lately she's been wakeing up 2 hours ealier than she normaly does. To top all it off we have more snow here than I've seen in a long time. They're calling it as hard of a winter as people have seen here in over 15 years. so Yeah.. we got lots of snow.. I'll post some pics so you guys can see.. oh yeah.. and pics of the fam too.


Hannah Hosh said...

Welcome to blog world! Ja'el is pretty much the cutest little girl. And, dang, that's a lot of snow! We've got about a foot in the last day, and it just keeps piling up, so maybe we'll catch up with you?

Becks said...

Ahh those picture just make me love my 80 degrees in florida even more! Your family is too cute.. bring my "niece" to disney world so I can see her!
there ya go, now you can keep up with me too! LOVE to you all!

JLW said...

Jon shine! How did you get such a stinkin' cute wife and baby?! You are one lucky guy - even if you live in Alaska! :) haha!

-Ashley Wingo

I found your blog though the hoshide's!

JLW said...

That was a joke about how much snow there is there, the "living in Alaska" line. I should have said Antarctica - that would have been funnier. ;)