The Shine Family

The Shine Family

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2 months later


These last 7 weeks have been quite full. Not only have we had a steady stream of wonderful friends who have helped tremendously by dropping of meals and love, we have had visits from Lolo (Grandpa Shine) and Grandma Karen (both coming all the way from Alaska to see our beautiful girls)and the Cotas (coming from Twin Falls). It was such a great and refreshing change from the previous 9 months of isolation. It was just hard wanting to do anything at all when all I really wanted to do was puke. I was fearing though that my lack of enthusiasm for entertaining was going to force my social butterfly Jael into some kind of weird social handicap. Just one more reason why I am so happy to have my Coco in my arms and no longer in my belly.
Although, I have to say that I was extremely naïve in what I expected in having 2 children. I thought it was “just like adding another child”. HA! It has been an insane juggling act of crisis. I am beginning to think that these girls get together and plot when they are going to dive headlong into their antics, just to see how far they can get before mama’s head explodes
Here are a few examples from just the last two days: Coco woke up from a nap and was madder than a hornet. She was hysterical and had a dirty butt so I took her to the bathroom to change her and Jael followed happily behind. While I was attending to a poopsplosion, Jael decided she wanted to play in the bathtub. She flung herself over the side and I heard a crash and a scream. I turned around and there was blood everywhere. Somehow she has cracked her chin open and it was bleeding pretty good. Poop here. Blood there. Poop. Blood. Poop. Blood. Which do I attend to first? Do I get poop in the blood? Blood in the poop?
Then there was today. Coco was in my lap facing Jael and me on the couch when she projectile urped all over me, Jael and herself. (How does such a little body get such velocity behind her urp?) I had to pause a minute to figure out who I should change first and decided the smartest was to change the baby. We all headed to the girls room and I had just undressed Coco when Jael starts doing the peepee dance and saying "hurry hurry mama! I gotta go potty!" “You are going to have to wait or take yourself” I told her as she zoomed out the door. But somehow her footstool had been moved and the toilet seat was left up, and in her efforts to get herself on the potty, she fell in. And couldn’t get out. Another dilemma: Cold naked baby who is now crying because she is cold and naked vs toddler who is stuck in the potty and can’t get out.
Is this all normal?! Am I on some sort of TV show? Sometimes I wonder.
But all in all, I think we are all adjusting well to being a 4 pack. Jael can sleep right through Coco's screaming, whereas before she was the lightest of sleepers. And Coco just loves her big sister. She will be sleeping soundly through a nap and Jon and I will be in normal conversation with no stirring from her. But as soon as she hears Jael’s voice, her eyes pop wide open.
Coco has been trying to vocalize a lot more lately, lots of A-goo’s and gurgly sounds. She smiles big and brightly, just like the pictures of her daddy when he was a baby. I haven’t heard a laugh from her yet, but I think it will be coming soon.
Jael is my constant source of amusement. She has just entered the “princess” stage, and wants to wear a dress every day. She dances the second she hears music and has the greatest imagination. I cannot think of a better job in the world than being the mom of these beautiful girls. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to wash the baby puke out of my hair.

One day, I went to check on Jael as she was playing quietly in her room. But, when I look in, I couldnt find her anywhere. That is until I looked in the oven.

Little Miss Coco (as Jael calls her)