We started last Saturday with the Cherry Festival at Green Bluff. Green Bluff is a small community of 35 farms, just outside of Spokane. All the farms collaborate about 6 times a year for these huge festivals, full of hay rides, contests, music, food etc. You could spend all weekend just going from farm to farm, picking fruit and vegetables, wine tasting, and enjoying the beauty. This weekend was the last of the Cherry Festival and, since we were going into Spokane anyway to pick up Lolo (Ja`el's grandpa Shine), we thought we would stop for a bit.
We found a beautiful lavendar farm that was very reminiscent of Provence.
Here are some beautiful cherries.
Jon's 29th birthday was Tuesday and in celebration we all (about 20-24 people!) headed to Western Pleasure Guest Ranch for an amazing steak dinner. We were the only party there, (other than about 5 darling 11 year olds who were there for horse camp) so we had the run of the place. And I am in love! The stables, the cabins, the lodge, the setting! If I cannot own it myself, I will just have to make it my local hangout. (Jon has already agreed that Ja`el and I can take mother/ daughter English riding lessons once Munchie is old enough. hm...I wonder if he remembers that!!)
Jon being serenaded on the violin for his birthday.
Here are some of her accomplishments from the last year.
1. speaks in near full sentences. (I say "near" because, although she has all the big words down, she has yet to learn the little ones. Instead, she uses "placeholders". For example, she will say "Tristan na na car na na packpack" Translation: Tristan has a car on his backpack.)
2. can count from 1 to 10.
3. knows all her primary colors and then some.
4. knows most of the shapes.
5. knows alot of animal names and sounds. The one's she doesnt know, she makes up.
6. has really good pitch (She may have inherited her daddy's perfect pitch.)
7. runs, jumps (with both feet), skips, hops, dances and twirls. Sometimes all at the same time.
8. just slept through the night for the first time ever 2 weeks ago. Mind you, she hasnt done it since, but I havent lost hope!
What a year!! I so look forward to the many blessings the Lord has in store for us in the future.